Recent Highlights

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Since the start the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third phases of support. With the introduction of vaccines, some countries can begin to get the pandemic under control and start investing in recovery. Most countries, however, are still grappling with the pandemic’s immediate health and socio-economic fallout, including its outsized impact on women. While the adoption of policy measures to prevent or respond to the surge in violence against women is more widespread, the social protection and jobs response has not adequately supported women’s economic security nor addressed care work or the financing of care services. This policy brief presents entry points for the application of gender-responsive budgeting to COVID-19 support and recovery packages. Drawing on country examples, this brief provides recommendations on the use of gender budgeting tools to identify gaps in policy responses and direct spending towards gender responsive COVID-19 measures.
2021 Financing for Development Forum

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The 2021 ECOSOC FfD Forum is being held from 12-15 April 2021 via a hybrid in-person and virtual platform. It provides an inclusive space to advance action-oriented dialogue on solutions on financing the COVID-19 recovery and sustainable development on the path to 2030. It aims to build momentum for urgent global action to tackle challenges to the achievement of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda across all its seven action areas in the context of COVID-19 and beyond. The event brings together heads...
2021 UN Public Service Awards

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As the world continues to grapple with the wide-ranging impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the innovation, accountability and effectiveness of public administrations to respond to the crisis and to ensure a green, inclusive and sustainable recovery is more crucial than ever. The pandemic has further underscored the need for governments and institutions to be better prepared for a crisis in all its forms. Whether a health pandemic, natural disaster, climate change, or economic shocks,...
Roundtable Discussion - Insights from Young Women Economists on Jobs and Climate Action

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On 1 July 2020 the Secretary-General launched a series of roundtables of renowned economists to address critical issues in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first roundtable focused on three pressing areas profoundly affected by the crisis: external debt, external finance and international trade.Please see summary attached. The second roundtable in the series on 3 September 2020, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (EDT) , which shifts focus to look at the two defining issues - jobs and climate action.
Efforts to Integrate Gender into COVID-19 Fiscal Stimulus
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This brief paper was written by UN Women, in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the Institute for Social Transformation, drawing on national E-conference in May 2020 on inclusiveness in the National Budget 2020/2021. The paper targets Legislators and the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED), calling for Government to assess the impacts of COVID-19 and other natural disasters on different...
Strengthening the Gender Report for Increased Accountability in Morocco

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The 2019 review and redesign of the Gender Responsive Results-Based Budgeting Report (RBG), more commonly referred to as the "Gender Report," in Morocco has led to a series of recommendations for 2020. With support from UN Women Morocco, the review set out to strengthen GR content to ensure it is a strategic accountability tool for monitoring and evaluating public policies from a gender perspective. It focused on assessing the contribution of the GR to the implementation and monitoring of GRB in Morocco, as well as challenges, including the lack of joint ownership of GRB by ministerial departments and the limited use of sector-specific gender analyses. Starting next year, the Gender Report (GR) will be more standardized to make it easier for users to access and provide information. This will include a clearer drafting framework for contributing line ministries and alignment with a new analytical approach.
GPEDC Blog Post

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A recent blog by UN Women presents analysis and lessons from the 2018 monitoring round for SDG Indicator 5.c.1, shedding light on government efforts to design and implement gender budget tracking systems. Data from 69 countries show that despite global progress in adopting gender budgeting, gaps persist in the implementation of policies and laws on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Less than half of the reporting countries indicated having adequate resource allocations...
GRB Dialogue at 2019 HLPF

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17 July 2019 – On the margins of the 2019 High-Level Political Forum, UN Women convened an interactive dialogue on gender responsive budgeting with ministers from Rwanda, Sweden and Serbia. The dialogue provided an opportunity for Member States to critically reflect on their progress and learn from other countries. Zohra Khan, UN Women’s Policy Advisor, shared experience from supporting gender responsive budgeting in more than 80 countries. The discussion addressed the...
GRB Video - “A people-centered budget”

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This animated video presents the journey of gender responsive budgeting (GRB) over ten years of implementation in Serbia. Produced by UN Women Serbia, it focuses on how GRB can analyze the effects of the budget on the lives of women and men and identify inequalities based on gender. In particular, the video highlights how GRB can be used to influence and improve demographic policies.
2019 UN Public Service Award - Call for Nominations

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The United Nations is accepting nominations for the 2019 United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA). The UNPSA promotes and rewards innovation and excellence in public services in support of the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principle of leaving no one behind. In 2019, nominations for the Awards are invited in five categories:1. Delivering inclusive and equitable services to leave no one behind 2. Ensuring integrated approaches in the public-sector...
Gender budgeting helps empower ethnic minority women in Viet Nam

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Due to gender discrimination and restrictive social roles, women and girls from ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam are particularly vulnerable to violence and discrimination. With financial support from the Government of Ireland, UN Women and the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) published a report on “Figures on Ethnic Minority Women and Men in Viet Nam 2015” presenting first-ever sex disaggregated data on the socio-economic situation of the 53 recognized ethnic...
Afghanistan and Indonesia: South-South cooperation on GRB

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From 11-16 August 2018, the Afghanistan Office of the President, supported by UN Women and UNDP, organized a visit of senior government officials from Afghanistan to Indonesia to learn about their experiences implementing gender-responsive budgeting. Indonesia’s successful GRB story as helped the government to effectively distribute public funds to address the needs of women and men. The visit contributed to the development of a community of practice which opens dialogues between...
Upcoming moderated GRB courses in English, French and Spanish!

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UN Women's Training Center will offer online moderated courses on GRB in English, French and Spanish from 3 September to 23 November, 2018. Courses will enhance the analytical and practical skills of GRB practitioners and identify key strategies for practical GRB implementation. Courses will offer practical analysis and strategies from GRB theory to practice. Register by 5 August 2018 by clicking here ! Inscrivez-vous jusqu’au 5 août 2018 en cliquant...
High Level Lab Debate on Financing for Gender Equality

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The twelfth edition of the European Development Days (EDD) took place in Brussels from 5 - 6 June 2018 under the overarching theme"Women and Girls at the Forefront of Sustainable Development: protect, empower, invest." At the EDD, UN Women organized a High-Level lab Debate on Gender Responsive Budgeting. The session was moderated by Ermira Lubani, UN Women's Regional GRB Manager, who emphasized UN Women's work in Europe and central Asia with the support of ADA, Swiss-Development and the EU....
Upcoming Gender Budgeting webinars in French and Spanish!

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Details on how to register for UN Women Training Center's upcoming Gender Responsive Budgeting webinars in French and Spanish. Please read more for access to direct registration links.
2018 FFD Forum Expert Session on Gender Equality

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2018 marked the first year gender equality was featured as part of the main Financing for Development (FFD) Forum programme. An expert session brought together three leading experts to review trends in financing for gender equality and explore options to increase fiscal space at the national and local level.
2018 Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group
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2018 IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings

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18 April 2018 - UN Women, in collaboration with International Monetary Fund (IMF), will present an introduction to gender responsive budgeting in lead up to the 2018 Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group. This interactive discussion will address how to shape fiscal policy to close critical gender gaps and the importance of promoting women's active participation in planning and budgeting. Zohra Khan, Chief (OiC) Leadership and Governance, UN Women and Lisa Kolovich,...
World Government Summit
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11 February 2018, World Government Summit - Experts from the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Gender Balance Council and the Ministry of Finance, United Arab Emirates, and UN Women exchanged best practices in implementing gender responsive budgeting around the world. During the high-level panel Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF, said gender budgeting can make a difference in the lives of women and men...
Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 5c1

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Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 5.c.1 “Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment” has been recently reclassified as Tier II by the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDGs. The indicator measures progress towards Target 5c of the SDGs to “adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels”. It links the policy and legal requirements for gender equality with resource allocations for their implementation. By tracking resource allocations, governments introduce deliberate measures into the planning and budgeting cycle to meet their gender policy objectives such as eliminating gender based violence or increasing women’s employment. By making these allocations public, governments commit to higher levels of transparency and accountability in budget decision making.
Gender Budgeting Featured at World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings 2017

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The new, interactive Innovation Lab at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings will feature a ‘coffee chat’ discussion Budgeting for Gender Equality: from Policy to Reality from 3:00 to 3:30 PM (EST) on 12 October 2017 . Zohra Khan (UN Women) will join Lisa Kolovich (IMF) and Albert Musisi (Government of Uganda) to discuss the successes and challenges of gender budgeting. Zohra will discuss UN Women’s experience in supporting gender budgeting, sharing important lessons and...
GRB Advanced Training Course Opportunity

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The UN Women Training Centre is pleased to announce an exciting advanced training opportunity on Gender Responsive Budgeting. This face-to-face course aims to combine theory with hands-on training to develop technical skills for implementing specific Gender Responsive Budgeting tools related to governmental spending. The course will be offered in Spanish from 18-22 September in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and in English from 9-13 October in Belgrade, Serbia.
Forum on Financing for Development Follow-Up

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On the margins of the 2017 FfD Forum, the Permanent Mission of Ecuador and UN Women organized a side event "Transformative Financing for Gender Equality: Driving the Agenda Forward," bringing together high-level Member State representatives to build political support for increased financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment. The event featured interventions from Ecuador, the European Union, Costa Rica, Canada and South Africa and UN-Women. Panelists emphasized the importance of robust financing for the full and effective implementation of gender equality commitments.
OECD Gender Budgeting Expert Meeting
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The Working Party of Senior Budget Officials, as part of the Directorate of Public Governance of the OECD, convened an Experts Meeting on Gender Budgeting from 18 - 19 May 2017 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The meeting brought together senior budget officials from OECD and non-OECD countries, as well as multilateral organizations, to share experiences and promote cross-country learning on gender responsive budgeting. UN Women was invited to present its new methodology for SDG Indicator 5.c.1 which measures the “proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations to gender equality and women’s empowerment”. This SDG indicator has been developed by UN Women, UNDP and the OECD in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will be crucial for countries to assess progress towards achieving SDG5.
2017 Expert Group Meeting

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UN Women, in collaboration with the OECD and UNDP, convened an expert meeting on gender responsive budgeting in New York on 27-28 March 2017. Bringing together national governments, academics, multilateral organizations and civil society, the meeting, informed by a discussion paper by Diane Elson, proposed a refined methodology for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 5.c.1 and agreed the main components of the survey instrument.
GRB Course - UN Women Training Centre
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Based on UN Women's experience supporting the implementation of Gender-Responsive Budgeting, the UN Women Training Centre located in Santo Domingo has developed courses on Gender-Responsive Budgeting for basic, intermediate and advanced participants in three languages, i.e. English, Spanish and French.
Financing for gender equality is critical for the implementation of the new development agenda.

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Making gender equality and women’s empowerment a reality requires dedicated and consistent funding. Highlighting the key role that financing for gender equality will have for the future global development agenda, UN Women, in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) and the European Commission (EC) convened a global workshop entitled “Increasing Financing for Gender Equality: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward,” from 3-5 June 2015 in Brussels, Belgium.
Preparations for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July 2015)
The third International Conference on Financing for Development will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13 to 16 July 2015. The meeting will bring together Heads of State, Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, as well as non-governmental organizations and business and private sector representatives. The Conference is expected to result in an intergovernmental negotiation and an agreed outcome, which will contribute to efforts on the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.
Transformative financing for gender equality and women’s empowerment: Expectations from the Financing for Development process, 16 April New York

On the margins of the Second Drafting Session on the outcome document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD), a joint side event was organized by UN Women in collaboration with the Swedish Government, OECD and Women's Working Group on the FfD. The Second Drafting Session, which took place in New York from 13 to 17 April, 2015 provided an opportunity to the delegations to provide their views on a Zero Draft outcome document prepared after the deliberations of the First Drafting Session earlier this year. The side event gathered key actors, including from government ministries, international financial institutions and the United Nations, testifying to the significant practical experiences as well as advances seen and gaps remaining in means and mechanisms ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Making it Happen - Financing Gender Equality and Women’s rights in the post-2015 development agenda, 22 September, New York

This side event explored options to finance the new set of global commitments on gender equality and women’s rights based on the proposal of the Open Working Group and in consideration of the forthcoming report of the ICESDF; and strengthen political support for this. It provided an opportunity for governments, development partners and civil society to formulate recommendations on financing gender equality ahead of the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, and in preparation for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development.
Morocco's successful case in implementing gender responsive budgets

Morocco has a long history of gender responsive budgeting work with sustained, high-level political will to address gender equality. Since the adoption of a new finance law in January 2014, the needs of women and girls are increasingly being reflected in how governments spend and the gender priorities are integrated throughout the budgeting process.
First Drafting Session of the Outcome Document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development 28-30 January

In preparation for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the first drafting session to prepare the outcome document was held in New York from 28-30 January 2015. The session provided an opportunity for the governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, private sector and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and discuss proposals for the draft outcome document of the Addis meeting. A paper outlining indicative elements and key policy ideas was prepared ahead of the session, which provided basis for the discussion.
Gender Equality Community of Practice (CoP) of Finance Ministers

UN Women and the World Bank launched the global initiative, Gender Equality Community of Practice (CoP) of Finance Ministers in Spring 2014 at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund. The initiative was first proposed by Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, during the October 2013 Annual Meetings. The CoP aims to promote financing for gender equality and make national budgets more effective in supporting women’s and girl’s opportunities. The CoP promotes learning and exchange by supporting innovative approaches led by the ministries of finance.
Featured Video: Gender Responsive Budgeting and Planning in India

The documentary provides practical ways in which sectoral plans and budgets can be made gender responsive. The video captures exemplary work done in India by the Department of Science and Technology and Department of Agriculture and Cooperation at the Union (local) level. The experiences show that how in the two so called ‘women unrelated’ sectors, gender issues have been recognized and addressed in sector policies and programmes. At the level of State government, the documentary covers the initiatives taken by the Kerala State Planning Board and highlights gender targeted programmes in sectors such as Public Works Department and Police. To capture these experiences, interviews were conducted with officials of the Departments at the Union and State level and women's testimonies were collected from the field.<p class="pull-right"><a title="Watch the Video " target="_blank" class="btn-u btn-u-small" href=""> <em class="fa fa-location-arrow"></em> Watch the Video</a> </p>
CSOs in Serbia demand for gender responsive local plans and budgets

Women-led CSOs play a crucial role in gender responsive budgeting processes. The Association Fenomena (CSO) in Serbia led an initiative to demand better service delivery for women and girls in selected municipalities and towns. The CSO worked with eight women’s organisations from seven towns/municipalities to influence local budgets and plans in a wide range of sectors that affect women's lives. Analysis of municipal budgets was conducted to assess whether women and men benefitted equally from budget allocations.
GRB Regional Centers of Excellence: Knowledge Hubs on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting

UN Women supported the establishment of Centers of Excellence on Gender-Responsive Budgeting in different regions to promote learning, innovation and exchange on GRB. These centers provide essential knowledge and tools and build technical capacity of government authorities to strengthen gender-responsive budgeting. There are three regional centers established to date: GRB Center of Excellence (GRB-CE) Morocco, GRB Center of Excellence for CIS and GRB Center of Excellence Mozambique.
Registration Open - GRB Training Course in Spanish

UN Women Training Centre has opened registration to the Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) course in Spanish. It will take place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 18 to 23 February 2018 at the UN Women Training Centre. All interested governmental policymakers and development practitioners are encouraged to complete the application form by 31 January 2018.
Engagement of the CSOs in the FfD process

FINANCING FOR DEVELOPMENT (FfD) WHAT’S AT STAKE FOR GENDER EQUALITY V oice, P articipation and C o ntributions of civil society organizations and the women’s movement within Financing for Development (FfD) discussions MUST increase at all levels!!! WHAT is Financing for Development really about? The (re) distribution, allocation and utilization of financial resources to meet development needs. Transforming investment into concrete action in order...
From Commitment to Action:Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in the Financing for Development Framework (New York, 11 December, 2014)

The Third International Conference on Financing for Development in July 2015 provides a critical opportunity to ensure that financing strategies are capable of delivering on gender equality and women’s rights commitments. Women’s rights can be integrated into the Financing for Development (FfD) process by focusing on advancing gender equality through public expenditure, revenue raising, accountability of private sector investments, monitoring and evaluation, and direct financing. A side event was held on the margins of the informal sessions on the FfD to discuss how financing for development should support the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The side event brought together representatives from governments in the global north and south, and civil society. The event made an important contribution to generating political will and momentum behind gender equality and women’s rights as an essential pillar of the new financing for development agenda.
Strengthening local councils in Cameroon to respond to women and girls needs
In Cameroon, UN Women supported efforts to institutionalize gender responsive budgeting (GRB) in local councils and build accountability of local governments. The project strengthened the technical capacities of local councils to integrate gender priorities into planning and budgeting processes and to develop the capacities of women’s groups to monitor and enforce output based budgets in councils. As a result, 10 out of 16 local councils have adopted decisions to increase financing for gender equality, and all 16 councils have established Women Foundations for Inclusive Governance (WOFIG) and Gender Committees whose members hold key political positions in local decision-making, especially on the allocation of resources and budgets.
Andalusia Gender Impact Assessment Report on the 2018 Budget

The Government of Andalusia has presented, as part of its 2018 Budget Bill, its Gender Impact Assessment Report. The report is an ex ante evaluation of the resources that the Government of Andalusia allocates to the promotion of gender equality. The Report, together with G + Program and Gender Budgeting Audits, are the main elements of the Gender Budgeting strategy in the Andalusian region.
FundHer: Donor ScoreCard
Tracking financial allocations and monitoring how and where they are spent is key to increase accountability in financing for gender equality. The Canadian CSO AWID (Association for Women's Rights in Development) partnered with the Instituto del Tercer Mundo/Social Watch, feminist economists, other women’s rights organizations and research institutions to develop an innovative scorecard, FundHer, to assess donor funding and to address the changing landscape in development cooperation.
Financing: Why it matters for women and girls?

(Cross posted on From letting women have a say in where village water holes are built, to ensuring cash-transfer programmes benefit all, to making sure women have maternal health clinics nearby and can access them when the need arises – financing for gender equality is the means to ensure that women’s needs are met in development planning.Financing for development is about money. For development to reach people in all parts of the world, adequate financing is required so that commitments made by world leaders translate into action. For funds to benefit everyone equally and equitably, targeted efforts are often needed. For example, if women don’t have access to safe transportation or low-cost childcare, few will be able to take advantage of important social or vocational programmes.