Strengthening local councils in Cameroon to respond to women and girls needs


In Cameroon, UN Women provided support to a local CSO Municipal Development Counselling Group (MUDEC) for institutionalizing GRB in local councils. Building on previous work, the project provided support to improve the technical capacities of local councils to integrate gender priorities into the planning and budgeting processes. MUDEC also contributed to develop the capacities of women’s groups to monitor and enforce Output Based Budgets in councils.

As a result of these efforts, Municipal Decisions bearing on Increasing Financing for Gender Equality have been adopted in 10 out of the 16 targeted councils. The project facilitated the creation and functioning of Women Foundations for Inclusive Governance (WOFIG) and Gender Committees in 16 councils. At least 3 WOFIG members in each council area were elected as Councilors during the September 30th 2013 local elections. In addition, 7 WOFIG members were elected as Alternate Members of the National Assembly (MPs). These members are now playing a key role in local decision making specially on the allocation of resources and budgets. 

To strengthen accountability and transparency towards gender equality in targeted councils, data on allocations for gender equality was collected and widely disseminated to ensure that the local administrators openly commit to increase the levels of financing for gender equality. Support was provided to WOFIG members to strengthen linkages with the Gender Committees for continuous lobbying on increasing accountability for financing gender equality. Project also facilitated Gender Public Hearings and other engagement forums (face to face discussions) between the electorate and the elected within the project area.