2017 Expert Group Meeting

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UN Women, in collaboration with the OECD and UNDP, convened an expert meeting on gender responsive budgeting in New York on 27-28 March 2017. The meeting provided a forum to discuss the methodology for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 5.c.1, which measures the percentage of countries with systems to track and make public gender equality allocations. The existence of such systems is an important assessment of government effort to monitor allocation of resources for the full and effective implementation of gender equality commitments as set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Bringing together national governments, academics, multilateral organizations and civil society, the meeting, informed by a discussion paper by Professor Diane Elson, proposed a refined methodology for Indicator 5.c.1 and agreed the main components of the survey instrument. Testing of the revised methodology will take place from May to August 2017 in a number of pilot countries.