The publication is comprehensive review of ACFODE of Uganda's gender budgeting experiences at the local level. Among some of the topics discussed in the newsletter are ACFODE's initiatives, mission, activities, lessons learnt, local level gender budget research and more.
Study by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance discussing existing income discrepancies based on current statistics and examining the effects of taxation, which is gender-neutral in its legal formulation, on these differences, especially with regard to the most recent tax reform.
The following document, a product of a UNIFEM supported program, is one of 7 analytical reports on Gender Responsive Budgets that were completed and published in the Follow the Money' Series, South Asia. The well-received reports, have been in wide demand by GRB practitioners from around the world.
Critical Path a GRB Treatment at a Inter Institutional Level in State Secretariats of Honduras. Action Plan for Its Operationalization.
The following report, published by The Nordic Council of Ministers, is part of a Nordic cooperation project that strives to contribute to the integration of a gender and equality perspective into Nordic financial policy.
This case study was compiled by Debbie Budlender based on presentations by Raquel Coello, and Leire Lopez, during UNIFEM/UNFPA GRB Workshops in Cape Town and Bangkok, April and June 2006.
Story portraying the importance of gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and the activism for the advancement of women in decision-making and leadership by the Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) in Uganda.
This publication was prepared in 2004 by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA- UK's leading accountancy body for public services) for DFID.
While Viet Nam has made important achievements in gender equality during the past decades by way of improving policies, legal frameworks, and national institutional mechanisms; challenges related to employment in the informal sector, the effects of climate change, and access to the social security s
The paper examins the relevance of GRB to ensure that gender equality remains at the center of the Aid Effectiveness agenda.