A summary guide for policy makers, gender equality and human rights advocates" is a publication based on a report by Diane Elson "Budgeting for Women's Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW" by UNIFEM 2006.
This document is introduced in the framework of the implementation of Gender Responsive Project (GRB) that was implemented until June 2012 at the municipal level in Santa Rosa de Copan Budgets and under the implementation of the Partnership Programme between the European Union (EU) and UN Women for
Critical Path a GRB Treatment at a Inter Institutional Level in State Secretariats of Honduras. Action Plan for Its Operationalization.
Fiscal policy is defined as the part of economic policy through which the State, by choosing certain sources of income seeks to finance the exercise of its functions and activities and thus establishes the allocation of resources to implement them.
UN Women prepared this manual to aim members of women's organizations at a community level who seek to influence public policy in local governments. The manual is a tool that can be used on-awareness training sessions to promote opportunities for participation and advocacy.
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (PD) commits donors and partner countries to reform aid management and delivery in order to strengthen its development outcomes.
The Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (SEPLAN) is responsible for support the establishment, development and operation of the National Planning System in addition to exercise stewardship of the land use planning, exercising a role of make norms entity.
UN Women prepared this manual to aim public administrators and municipalities workers in Honduras by providing conceptual and methodological elements that enable them to incorporate gender perspective in the budgeting process.
Outcomes Of the Gender Analysis in the Planning And Budgeting Process And the information System generated by the Institutions On the national budget.