Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 5c1

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Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 5.c.1 “Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment” has been recently reclassified as Tier II by the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDGs. The indicator measures progress towards Target 5c of the SDGs to “adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels”. It links the policy and legal requirements for gender equality with resource allocations for their implementation. By tracking resource allocations, governments introduce deliberate measures into the planning and budgeting cycle to meet their gender policy objectives such as eliminating gender based violence or increasing women’s employment. By making these allocations public, governments commit to higher levels of transparency and accountability in budget decision making.


The indicator methodology was developed by UN-Women, together with UNDP and the OECD. It measures three important components of a gender responsive public finance system: (1) intent of a government to address gender equality by identifying whether policies, programmes and resources are in place; (2) existence of mechanisms to track resource allocations towards these policy goals; and (3) existence of mechanisms to make resource allocations publicly available to increase accountability to women.


UN-Women will support Ministries of Finance to report on Indicator 5.c.1 and will strengthen capacity of women’s ministries and civil society organizations to validate the data through the provision of on-demand technical support.


The metadata of Indicator 5.c.1 can be found in the webpage of the Inter-Agency Expert Group on SDGS: