نشر السنة
منطقة المواضيعية
الموارد نوع
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (PD) commits donors and partner countries to reform aid management and delivery in order to strengthen its development outcomes. Through the Declaration, development partners commit to implementing common arrangements for planning, funding, disbursing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on donor activities and aid flows at country level. To respond to these requirements, donors have collectively put in place a number of mechanisms to better coordinate and manage aid. The UNIFEM research on "Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda" assessed to what extent these mechanisms addressed and integrated gender issues. For instance, the reviews considered to what extent country strategy papers included gender analysis, activities and gender performance indicators; Gnder-sensitive indicators were included in PAFs for funding modalities, such as GBS; Joint reviews and evaluations discussed and reported on gender equality issues and results; and Gender equality advocates, gender focal points and officers participated in different dialogue fora. This paper presents an overview of the joint mechanisms that donors have put in place in the countries reviewed, and how these addressed gender issues. It is one of the five knowledge briefs produced by UNIFEM in 2010 on the basis of research carried out under the European Commission-supported programme "Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda". The briefs are available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.