This practical guide by Debbie Budlender and Guy Hewitt, based on experiences of past gender budget initiatives, provides a comprehensive outline of how to engender budgets.
This technical paper analyses investments by OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors in six policy areas that are priorities for the post-2015 development agenda because of their catalytic impact on achieving gender equality and women’s rights: girls’ education; sexual and reproductive he
This IMF Working Paper examines how public processes can contribute to improving women's status. Gender budgeting, which refers to the systematic examination of budget programs and policies for their impact on women, has been tried in a range of countries in recent years.
The focus of this publication is to act as a guide to the practice of gender budgeting. It is not a first-step book. There are many publications which articulate the rationale for, the background to and the history of gender budgeting.
This Commonwealth Secretariat publication provides a conceptual framework for work on gender responsive budgets, traces the evoluation of work in this area and provides information on country initiatives. This is a crucial resource for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.
The paper examins the relevance of GRB to ensure that gender equality remains at the center of the Aid Effectiveness agenda.
This guide prepared by the Development Assistance Committee, OECD in June 2002 is intended for policy and operational staff in government and development organisations who are interested in sector wide approaches (SWAPs).
The report "Gender Equality, the new aid environment and CSOs" was researched and written by the Gender & Development Network (GADN) because of a growing concern about the fast changing aid structures, such as direct budget support, pooled funding schemes for supporting civil society and other f
The objective of this paper prepared for INSTRAW is to use a gendered approach in examining the development financing strategies endorsed in the 2002 Monterrey Consensus.
This series of knowledge briefs was produced by UN Women on the basis of research conducted under the European Commission-supported programme "Integrating gender responsive budgeting into the aid effectiveness agenda".