The brief paper brings forth a gender analysis of the finance sector in Uganda.
The GRB capacity index was formulated as part of an assessment commissioned by the National Women's Machinery in Costa Rica to understand the factors behind the low implementation of GRB in the country.
This brief explores the relevance of civil society budget analysis and advocacy (i.e., budget work) and its potential as a tool to hold governments accountable for their maternal mortality reduction commitments.
The article discusses the potential for gender budget exercises to address gender issues and more specifically, the capacity for such exercises to address the complexities and dilemmas associated with mainstreaming gender into governance processes.

This report (2015) tells the history of the field of gender lens investing over the last five years and outlines a roadmap to the future, defining the critical areas of focus for resources and attention.

The following short paper by FOWODE published in 2003 provides a gender analysis of the health budget in Uganda.
The purpose of this GTZ working paper is to provide guidance for the mainstreaming of a gender approach in new aid architecture and aid modalities. The author argues that gender equality is still not being adequately addressed or mainstreamed in current aid architecture and modalities.
This article takes a closer look at the gender budgeting statement in the Union Budget 2007-08 in India and reveals that programmes and allocations remain plagued by mistakes, with several schemes wrongly prioritised as being exclusively for women. Economic and Political Weekly April 21, 2007
This book aims to contribute to the evolving understanding of public expenditure management as a political, rather than a purely technical, process. In particular, it explores the ways in which a rights approach can contribute to strengthening pro-poor voice and outcomes in budget processes.