This IMF Working Paper examines how public processes can contribute to improving women's status. Gender budgeting, which refers to the systematic examination of budget programs and policies for their impact on women, has been tried in a range of countries in recent years.
Gender Budgeting in India by Dr. Vibhuti Patel was presented at a National workshop on Gender Budgeting: An Effective Tool for Achieving Women's Empowerment, organised on 15-4-2007 by Equity Foundation, Patna and Supported by Planning Commission of India, Delhi.
This publication by the Nordic Council of Ministers Copenhagen 2006 is the final report from the project Gender Budgeting 2004-2006, in which the five Nordic governments included in this project report their work.
The series of Gender Briefing Notes is designed to help EC officials working in development cooperation to easily identify and address gender equality issues in specific sectors and thematic areas. This paper focuses on gender budgeting and its usefulness in the context of new aid instruments.
The focus of this publication is to act as a guide to the practice of gender budgeting. It is not a first-step book. There are many publications which articulate the rationale for, the background to and the history of gender budgeting.
The article draws attention to the numerous assumptions relating to the proportion of allocations under a scheme that directly benefits women which unfortunately form the basis of the Gender Budgeting exercise.
This article is about Gender Responsive budgets in poland.
This Commonwealth Secretariat publication provides a conceptual framework for work on gender responsive budgets, traces the evoluation of work in this area and provides information on country initiatives. This is a crucial resource for researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.
The publication “Gender Equality and Local Governance” is a joint collaboration between ADC and UN Women. It summarizes the learning’s that have emerged from several gender-sensitive interventions at local level.
While Viet Nam has made important achievements in gender equality during the past decades by way of improving policies, legal frameworks, and national institutional mechanisms; challenges related to employment in the informal sector, the effects of climate change, and access to the social security s