This study was conducted as part of the overall program, "Increasing accountability in financing for gender equality" (F4GE), undertaken by UN WOMEN, with the financial support of the European Commission and the Government of Spain.
The study aimed also at conducting a gender analysis of the sector plan of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation. It aims also at assessing the capacity of the staff on gender sensitive budgeting, programming and planning.
The document provides a gender analysis of the Australian Treasurer's 2006/2007 budgetary changes by examining the gender impacts of newly introduced tax concessions.
The brief paper brings forth a gender analysis of the finance sector in Uganda.
The GRB capacity index was formulated as part of an assessment commissioned by the National Women's Machinery in Costa Rica to understand the factors behind the low implementation of GRB in the country.
This brief explores the relevance of civil society budget analysis and advocacy (i.e., budget work) and its potential as a tool to hold governments accountable for their maternal mortality reduction commitments.
The article discusses the potential for gender budget exercises to address gender issues and more specifically, the capacity for such exercises to address the complexities and dilemmas associated with mainstreaming gender into governance processes.
The following short paper by FOWODE published in 2003 provides a gender analysis of the health budget in Uganda.