This paper discusses a wide range of issues related to the topic of gender budgets, including the concept of engendering budgets in relation to poverty, development, macro and micro level economics, the challenges to integrating gender into policy, as well as good governance among other issues.
The background paper was prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat.
This is the final report of a joint three-year project (2004-2006) between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
This reference tool handbook, available in English, French and Arabic, is the sixth in a series produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) which seeks to advance parliament's own capacity to make a positive impact on the budget, and to equip parliament, its members and parliamentary staff
This briefing paper published by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in October 2010 discusses the factors needed for successful budget reforms after conflicts, using the example of Southern Soudan.
Ethiopia has prioritized the advancement of gender equality through the development and implementation of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 followed by the promulgation of Constitution in 1995 that calls for equal rights of women, including
This paper provides a gender analysis of the new aid agenda as outlined in the Paris Declaration.
This report reflects country-level experiences shared at the Burundi regional consultation on Aid Effectiveness and Gender Equality in Africa in July 2006 consultation on the gender equality opportunities and challenges arising from aid reform processes.
Support for gender responsive policies, programming and budgets has been an important priority area of UN Women’s Sub-Regional Office for Central and South Eastern Europe.
The publication presents a set of instruments for the analysis of public revenues and expenditures from a gender perspective.