A study of the economic costs for the implementation of the Albanian legislation against domestic violence

Knowing the economic costs of the activities of state institutions is necessary for budgeting addressing the implementation of the legislation against domestic violence. Therefore, in this document we have presented two study reports which provide data on the costs of the prevention of and fight against domestic violence in Albania, and help the calculation of the relevant expenses. The findings of this study will help strengthen the activity of the relevant authorities and will improve the efficiency of the state structures and of the services to victims.

Albania: Time Use Survey (2010-2011)

The main goal of the Albanian Time Use Survey is to develop nationally representative estimates of how people divide their time of various life activities. The main objectives to be achieved through the time use survey were:
• To measure the amount of time spent by the Albanian population on different activities;
• To identify gender differences in time use patterns with special focus on paid and unpaid work activities;
• To carry out the survey in full accordance with the EU’s guidelines and specifications in order to provide comparable statistics on the use of time;

Opportunities and challenges for introducing GRB ...in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This book was produced by the United Women Banja Luka in 2007 under the UNIFEM supported Initiative for Introducing Gender Sensitive Budgeting in the Area of Domestic Violence on Local and Entity Level in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The publication captures the results of several months work on analysis of the budgets of four public institutions working on social protection in Republika Srpska. It consists of all data we collected during analysis of the budgets in targeted public institutions. The book consists of three parts.

Selected Sectors within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This study by Innova Consulting provides an analysis of budgeting and gender issues, and gives recommendations for the implementation of GRB in two Federal Ministries and one Federal Institute in BIH in 2009. These three institutions were suggested by the Federal Gender Center (FGC) and confirmed by the FBIH parliament to be the first ones to implement GRB within the FBIH. Therefore, the research presented here gives analysis and tools for the first phase of GRB implementation within the selected institutions.

Now It's About the Money Mainstreaming a gender equality perspective into Nordic national budgets

This is the final report of a joint three-year project (2004-2006) between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The finance ministries and ministries responsible for gender equality affairs in these countries have engaged in development work and, under the coordination of the Nordic Council of Ministers, have exchanged ideas and experience concerning the work of mainstreaming a gender equality perspective into the national budget and budgetary process in each country.

National Report and the Status of Women and Gender Equality in Albania

The National Report on the Status of Women and Gender Equality (NRSWGE) in Albania is the first national report serves as the substantive basis to analyse the overall situation of women and men in Albania. Nine policy areas of key importance to gender equality are covered: national development indicators, demographics, legal frameworks and institutional mechanisms, health, education, work, entrepreneurship and property rights, social policies and social services, political representation and participation, and domestic violence.

Harmonised Indicators on Gender Equality and the Status of Women in Albania

The publication serves as a basic manual for collecting data, assessing gender equality and the status of women in Albania and developing proposals to further improve them in such areas as women’s participation in the decision-making, education, employment, defense, social welfare, health, media and domestic violence.

Gender-responsive budgeting in Switzerland Work in Progress

The first debates on gender-responsive budgeting initiatives emerged in Switzerland in 1994, The choice of methods for conducting gender-differentiated analyses and the means by which they are conducted have been informed, and continue to be informed, by the relatively early emergence of gender-responsive budgeting (hereafter GRB) as an issue in Swiss public debate, by the circumstances under which GRB emerged, and by the fact that parliaments at local (municipal/communal), cantonal and federal levels and citizens in Switzerland's direct democracy retain considerable influence over public

Gender-Responsive Budgeting in South East Europe: Fact Sheets

The programme was launched in late 2006 to strengthen democratic governance and promote women's human rights through support for policy planning and budgeting processes to incorporate a gender perspective. The programme was implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, and Moldova with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation and Cooperation with Eastern Europe and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.