أسس 185
This report maps the degree to which European Union donors from Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK comply with the commitments they made in the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action, and the impact this has on gender equality and women's human rights.
This paper was commissioned by UNRISD as a contribution to its ongoing research project on Gender and Social Policy. The paper compares the practice of gender-responsive budget initiatives with the claims and expectations about what they can achieve.
Using country-level data, the paper estimates the costs of interventions aimed at promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania, and Uganda. It then uses these estimates to calculate the costs of such interventions in other low-income countries.
Background paper prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat in May 2007 by Debbie Budlender, Community Agency for Social Enquiry, Cape Town, South Africa. This paper attempts to make the case for financing gender equality for development, and to explore how this can be done.
Background paper prepared in May 2007 for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Dr Robert Carr, Caribbean Centre of Communication for Development, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica Commonwealth Secretariat.
Fiscal policy is defined as the part of economic policy through which the State, by choosing certain sources of income seeks to finance the exercise of its functions and activities and thus establishes the allocation of resources to implement them.
The programme conducts gender analysis of ODA in  relation  to  Ukraine’s  national gender  equality  commitments and analysis of the donor-governmental meetings on gender equality  and  define  a  room  for participation  of  gender&n
Throughout their implementation, the work with GRBs has taken on specific and strategic characteristics in accordance with the proposed goals, the implemented initiatives, the tools used, the political and social context and the institutional and administrative willingness of each country or communi
This document is a gender analysis of Uganda's 2003-2004 budget prepared by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) The report discusses some of the emerging gender issues and concerns in the Ugandan 2003-2004 budget, potential gendered outcomes as well as recommendations for achieving
Discussion paper examining the gender impact of personal, corporate and consumption taxes and proposing alternative tax policies to promote gender equality.