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The EC/UN Partnership has reviewed the extent to which commitments to women's security and peacebuilding needs have been financed by Official Development Assistance (ODA) in four different post-conflict situations: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), and Aceh (Indonesia). A 2008 study by UNIFEM found that government and donor efforts to integrate gender priorities in peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction processes in Nepal were limited, and that more harmonization and coordination at the outset may have ensured that initiatives integrated women's specific security and peacebuilding needs more intentionally, and that funding of peacebuilding efforts was more gender responsive. This study builds on these findings by analyzing the extent to which commitments to women's security and peacebuilding needs are being financed by the Nepal Peace Trust Fund (NPTF), a multi-donor bilateral trust fund, set up in 2007 and run by the GoN to implement the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), and subsequent CPA related agreements, which ended a violent ten year civil war.