In this paper, Simel Esim (2000) focuses on expenditure and revenue instruments of fiscal policy as strategic entry points for engendering macroeconomics. The paper also includes a discussion of the potential implications of monetary policy and overall fiscal stance on poverty and gender equality.
This paper by Simel Esim (2000) explores the revenue side of gender budgeting. Esim also discusses policies and suggests strategies for gender-sensitive budgeting.
Rezumu ne’e hanesan sumáriu ida bazeia ba Relatóriu UN Women nian, Reforma Impostu Rendimentu no Konsumu ba Timor-Leste: Impaktu Jéneru no Pobreza, Opsaun Polítika, no Rekomendasaun.
Governments raise tax revenues so that they can meet the needs of the people they represent. Fair and equal taxation makes sure that tax laws do not discriminate against people who live traditional lives, subsistence farmers, rural business owners, women, or the poor