This paper was commissioned by UNRISD as a contribution to its ongoing research project on Gender and Social Policy. The paper compares the practice of gender-responsive budget initiatives with the claims and expectations about what they can achieve.
Background paper prepared in May 2007 for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Dr Robert Carr, Caribbean Centre of Communication for Development, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica Commonwealth Secretariat.
This document is a gender analysis of Uganda's 2003-2004 budget prepared by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) The report discusses some of the emerging gender issues and concerns in the Ugandan 2003-2004 budget, potential gendered outcomes as well as recommendations for achieving
This document, represents the gender analysis that was conducted on Tanzania's 2003-2004 National Budget.

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the 

Ethiopia has prioritized the advancement of gender equality through the development and implementation of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 followed by the promulgation of Constitution in 1995 that calls for equal rights of women, including
The brief paper brings forth a gender analysis of the finance sector in Uganda.
The article discusses the potential for gender budget exercises to address gender issues and more specifically, the capacity for such exercises to address the complexities and dilemmas associated with mainstreaming gender into governance processes.
The following short paper by FOWODE published in 2003 provides a gender analysis of the health budget in Uganda.