This article by J. Vanishree (2008) focuses on the experiments carried out by Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu on Gender Responsive Budgeting and Local Governance.
This publication captures lessons learned in the course of the UNIFEM project on gender responsive budgeting (GRB) in South Eastern Europe (SEE).
This paper by Simel Esim (2000) explores the revenue side of gender budgeting. Esim also discusses policies and suggests strategies for gender-sensitive budgeting.
The GRBC has developed five criteria for evaluation of genderresponsiveness of the budgeted government programmes and projects.
This publication is a compilation of two studies carried out to assess GRB in the peacebuilding and Health programmes under the EC/UN Women partnership programme on 'Integrating GRB into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda'.

UN Women Policy Brief: Income and Consumption Tax Reform for Timor-Leste 2016

The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices.
Collection of  gender analysis  of local budgets in different regions of  Kyrgyzstan
Collection of  gender analysis  of local budgets in different regions of  Kyrgyzstan
The following country summaries outline the main findings of the country research conducted under the European Commission (EC)/UNIFEM programme "Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda".