Well-being gender budgeting (WBGB) experiences use a multidimensional approach for planning and budgeting combining the Capability Approach along with gender responsive budgeting.
This paper is an attempt to measure the effectiveness of Gender Budgeting as a tool for women empowerment. In recent years, Gender Budget Initiatives have emerged as an effective way to bridge gender gaps.
The GRBC has developed five criteria for evaluation of genderresponsiveness of the budgeted government programmes and projects.
This guide was developed in Kyrgyzstan to conduct appropriate training seminars among staff of ministries and agencies responsible for the development and implementation of social and economic policy.
The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices.
The Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation (SEPLAN) is responsible for support the establishment, development and operation of the National Planning System in addition to exercise stewardship of the land use planning, exercising a role of make norms entity.
Collection of  gender analysis  of local budgets in different regions of  Kyrgyzstan
Collection of  gender analysis  of local budgets in different regions of  Kyrgyzstan

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the 

Background paper prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Khabele Matlosa, Research Director, Electoral Institute of Southern Africa (EISA) Johannesburg, South Africa.