Andalusia Gender Impact Assessment Report on the 2018 Budget

The Government of Andalusia has presented, as part of its 2018 Budget Bill, its Gender Impact Assessment Report. The report is an ex ante evaluation of the resources that the Government of Andalusia allocates to the promotion of gender equality. The Report, together with G + Program and Gender Budgeting Audits, are the main elements of the Gender Budgeting strategy in the Andalusian region.

Gender Budgeting Featured at World Bank-IMF Annual Meetings 2017

The new, interactive Innovation Lab at the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings will feature a ‘coffee chat’ discussion Budgeting for Gender Equality: from Policy to Reality from 3:00 to 3:30 PM (EST) on 12 October 2017 . Zohra Khan (UN Women) will join Lisa Kolovich (IMF) and Albert Musisi (Government of Uganda) to discuss the successes and challenges of gender budgeting. Zohra will discuss  UN Women’s experience in supporting gender budgeting, sharing important lessons and...

How can PFM Reforms Contribute to Gender Equality Outcomes

This paper provides guidance on how to make Public Finance Management (PFM) reforms gender responsive. It presents an overview of PFM reforms and explains how and why they are important to the achievement of gender equality outcomes. The paper aims to link ongoing work on gender responsive budgeting (GRB) with broader PFM reform efforts by increasing understanding of GRB among PFM practitioners and increasing understanding of PFM reforms among gender experts to support better results for gender equality and women's empowerment.

Analysis of Budget Programmes from Gender Perspective

The purpose of this manual is to provide public officials working on gender budget analysis a simple tool on how to carry it out. While Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) involves a full process from analysis of budget programmes from a gender perspective to integration of gender perspectives throughout the budget process, this manual is focused on providing a guideline for carrying out the analysis which is a basis and starting point for further work to make policies and budgets more gender responsive.