Creating a Caring Economy

The final report of the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy has been released at a unique moment in global history. Reeling from the first wave of a deadly pandemic, perched on the precipice of a second wave and a deep and brutal recession, there was never a better time to ask: do we really want to go back to business as usual? The report presents a roadmap for building a new economy - a caring economy. This is the Executive Summary of the report. 

Creating a Caring Economy

The final report of the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy has been released at a unique moment in global history. Reeling from the first wave of a deadly pandemic, perched on the precipice of a second wave and a deep and brutal recession, there was never a better time to ask: do we really want to go back to business as usual? The Covid-19 pandemic has brought much to light.

Integrating Gender Equality into Fiscal Stimulus Packages - Uganda

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the Institute for Social Transformation. The paper targets Legislators and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED).

How to Integrate a Gender Perspective into Well-Being Budgeting Practices

Well-being gender budgeting (WBGB) experiences use a multidimensional approach for planning and budgeting combining the Capability Approach along with gender responsive budgeting. However, what happens to the other well-being budgeting initiatives that do not explicitly include this «gender focus» in their conceptualization? This article explores the gender biases that can be found in well-being budgeting and the challenges of integrating a gender perspective into these practices.

GRB in Vietnam - Gender Equality in Transport

Transport is one of the most important aspects of national infrastructure and a key to gender equality. Women’s opportunities to access paid work are reduced when there is poor investment in gender

A Difference between Men and Women - The Income

Study by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance discussing  existing income discrepancies based on current statistics and examining the effects of taxation, which is gender-neutral in its legal formulation, on these differences, especially with regard to the most recent tax reform.

Gender Budgeting IMF working paper

This IMF Working Paper examines how public processes can contribute to improving women's status. Gender budgeting, which refers to the systematic examination of budget programs and policies for their impact on women, has been tried in a range of countries in recent years. This study attempts to show that gender budgeting is just good budgeting; budgeting that properly accounts for the positive externalities that are derived from improving women's opportunities for health care, education, and employment.

How can PFM Reforms Contribute to Gender Equality Outcomes

This paper provides guidance on how to make Public Finance Management (PFM) reforms gender responsive. It presents an overview of PFM reforms and explains how and why they are important to the achievement of gender equality outcomes. The paper aims to link ongoing work on gender responsive budgeting (GRB) with broader PFM reform efforts by increasing understanding of GRB among PFM practitioners and increasing understanding of PFM reforms among gender experts to support better results for gender equality and women's empowerment.

The State of the Field of Gender Lens Investing

This report (2015) tells the history of the field of gender lens investing over the last five years and outlines a roadmap to the future, defining the critical areas of focus for resources and attention. The Criterion Institute tells that story from the perspective of Convergence, a major conference they hosted, which brought together leaders in the field four times between 2011 and 2014. The research for this report builds from the transcripts and documents of that conference as well as additional secondary research.