Gender Equality and Taxation in VietNam

While Viet Nam has made important achievements in gender equality during the past decades by way of improving policies, legal frameworks, and national institutional mechanisms; challenges related to employment in the informal sector, the effects of climate change, and access to the social security system continue to affect the lives of a large proportion of the country’s population, the majority of whom are women and the poor.

Analysis of Budget Programmes from Gender Perspective

The purpose of this manual is to provide public officials working on gender budget analysis a simple tool on how to carry it out. While Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) involves a full process from analysis of budget programmes from a gender perspective to integration of gender perspectives throughout the budget process, this manual is focused on providing a guideline for carrying out the analysis which is a basis and starting point for further work to make policies and budgets more gender responsive.

Social oversight report- Santa Rosa de Copán

The document is presented in the framework of Financing for Gender Equality (F4GE), with European Union funds, specifically in the project of cooperation and assistance between UN Women and the Women Solidarity Commission (CCMS). It is a social monitoring report made to the City of Santa Rosa de Copan budget in the fiscal year 2013.
The report contains the findings from the oversight process, in addition to comments obtained at the conference held socialization and validation between the CCMS, Local Government and the Transparency Commission.

Preliminary Gender Profile of Ethiopia_Summary Version

Ethiopia has prioritized the advancement of gender equality through the development and implementation of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 followed by the promulgation of Constitution in 1995 that calls for equal rights of women, including
Affirmative Action to bridge existing gaps. Ethiopia has revised gender discriminatory legal provisions in the Family Law and Penal Codes, showing a firm political commitment to gender equality and the advancement of women.

Gender Wage Gap in Albania

Labour market issues, be those of employment, unemployment, inactivity, wages and the like are very important for every country since they are linked to some of the main indicators of economic wellbeing or lack thereof. These issues and indicators become increasingly important for developing countries that are trying to achieve development and economic growth.

Gender Analysis of public investment Bolivia

Throughout their implementation, the work with GRBs has taken on specific and strategic characteristics in accordance with the proposed goals, the implemented initiatives, the tools used, the political and social context and the institutional and administrative willingness of each country or community. Nevertheless, we can establish the following core goals:
To sensitize stakeholders on gender issues and the impact of budgets and policies on them;
To make governments accountable for translating the compromises acquired on gender equality and budgetary commitments.