The State of the Field of Gender Lens Investing

This report (2015) tells the history of the field of gender lens investing over the last five years and outlines a roadmap to the future, defining the critical areas of focus for resources and attention. The Criterion Institute tells that story from the perspective of Convergence, a major conference they hosted, which brought together leaders in the field four times between 2011 and 2014. The research for this report builds from the transcripts and documents of that conference as well as additional secondary research.

Handbook on Costing Gender Equality

The Handbook is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to costing gender equality priorities. It responds to the growing demand for guidance on estimating the financing gaps and requirements for achieving gender equality commitments and builds on UN Women's decade long work on gender responsive planning and budgeting.

Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality - Programme Brief

The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices. Drawing on diverse country experiences, this brief showcases the programme’s comprehensive approach together with its achievements and lessons.

Women Moving Mountains

The publication analyzes the aggregate impact of women’s organizations around the world that received grants from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ MDG3 Fund. Including results from 78% of the grantees, this analysis demonstrates the huge reach and transformation that is possible when organizations working to build women’s collective power for change receive serious resources for an extended period of time, with flexibility to refine their strategies to adapt to shifting contexts.

Women Gaining Voice: Political Representation and Participation in Decentralized Systems IDRC Brief

Decentralization has sometimes been presented as a magic bullet for both development and democracy. Since nearly everyone, from world leaders to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to donors, agrees that development and democracy both fail unless women are included on an equal footing with men, successful decentralization should make government more accessible, accountable, and responsive to women.But does it?

What’s behind the budget? Politics, rights and accountability in the budget process

This book aims to contribute to the evolving understanding of public expenditure management as a political, rather than a purely technical, process. In particular, it explores the ways in which a rights approach can contribute to strengthening pro-poor voice and outcomes in budget processes. It identifies issues, partners, tools and methods that may help development actors to support citizen accountability and a pro-poor, gender-equitable, focus in public expenditure management.