Integrating Gender Equality into Fiscal Stimulus Packages - Uganda

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the Institute for Social Transformation. The paper targets Legislators and the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED).


Story portraying the importance of gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and the activism for the advancement of women in decision-making and leadership by the Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) in Uganda.

Preliminary Gender Profile of Ethiopia_Summary Version

Ethiopia has prioritized the advancement of gender equality through the development and implementation of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 followed by the promulgation of Constitution in 1995 that calls for equal rights of women, including
Affirmative Action to bridge existing gaps. Ethiopia has revised gender discriminatory legal provisions in the Family Law and Penal Codes, showing a firm political commitment to gender equality and the advancement of women.

Violence against Women in Mozambique (English)

This issue paper explores the linkages between Violence against Women (VAW), public security and health. The authors argue that VAW can only be addressed if sufficient attention is given to underlying gender issues in all relevant sectors. The paper presents the innovative inter-sectoral interventions adopted in Mozambique in response to VAW and concludes with recommendations for public investments and budget allocations to ensure their expansion and sustainability. "

Uganda Health Sector Gender Budget Analysis 2001/2002

The following short paper by FOWODE published in 2003 provides a gender analysis of the health budget in Uganda. The paper briefly discusses health indicators in Uganda since the implementation of the Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP), poverty reduction interventions and additional health sector reforms. The paper outlines some of the challenges and disparities in accessibility and use of health facilities, analyzes Uganda's health policy and makes recommendations for the health sector.

The price of protection: Costing the Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act in South Africa

This report presents research on the costs of implementing South Africa's Domestic Violence Act (DVA), with a focus on quantifying missing personnel costs. It describes the methodology used in the research, the process required to obtain a protection order and the time taken at each step. The authors discuss factors impeding the execution of the DVA, such as the role of criminal justice employees. They also offer recommendations to secure an adequate budget to implement the DVA.

The Political Economy of Women's Budgets in the South Africa

The article discusses the potential for gender budget exercises to address gender issues and more specifically, the capacity for such exercises to address the complexities and dilemmas associated with mainstreaming gender into governance processes. The author draws largely upon the South African initiative and highlights how gender budget exercises must be modulated within a social, economic and political context.

The Goal is Poverty Eradication

The brief paper brings forth a gender analysis of the finance sector in Uganda. The paper underlines the importance of integrating gender guidelines into the budget as the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MFPED) strive towards their goal of diminishing absolute poverty to less than 10 percent by the year 2017. Conducting sex-disaggregrated benefit assessments of policies, gender sensitive evaluation of public expenditures and evaluating gender implications of the macroeconomic framework, are also discussed as paths to engendering the national budget of Uganda.

Taxation: Half the Story of the Budgeting Process

The document by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), is a brief paper on the gender analysis of the Uganda taxation sector. This gender analysis provides a basis for investigating the gender dimension in tax policy formulation and Central Government tax administration carried out by Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).