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The present study is a contribution to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of UNSCR 1325, and provides an overview of DAC members' funding targeted to gender equality in fragile and conflict-affected states. It was prepared with the assistance of members of the DAC Network on Gender Equality (GENDERNET) and the DAC Working Party on Statistics (WP-STAT). The main findings of the study are, On average, one-third of DAC members' aid to fragile states targets gender equality as a principal or significant objective. This is only a little more than in other countries (the share for all developing countries combined is 29%). Still, a number of DAC members allocate a higher proportion of their aid to gender equality in fragile states than in other countries, and have made it a major focus of their aid programmes. Only 20% of aid allocated for peace and security in fragile states integrates a gender equality dimension. For security system management and reform initiatives, the share of aid that targets gender equality is particularly low: only 10%.