Performance Based Budgeting from a Gender Perspective

The resource book, produced by the Public Administration Research and Consultation Centre (PARC) of Cairo Univerisity in collaboration with the Egyptian National Council for women, explains performance based budgeting and ways of integrating gender into those budgets. The book, produced in Arabic, also provides a number of examples and practical tools.

Gender-Sensitive Local Auditing: Initiatives from India to Build Accountability to Women

This article from the World Bank Institute's Development Outreach Journal discusses the importance of citizen's efforts to audit directly the activities of development programs. The piece, which emphasizes that local accountability to the poor can be served in the form of gender-sensitive participatory planning, budgeting and auditing, provides examples from the Indian context.

Gender in Local Planning’. Guidebook for civil society organizations  

The manual is addressed to representatives of civil society and aimed at increasing their participation in the development of local development programs and gender mainstreaming in the process. The publication presents the steps to formulate a development plan at the district level and discusses methods of gender analysis of the situation. It also identifies key challenges and opportunities in planning and budgeting process and includes the main strategic directions of development and planning for implementation of the plan.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Gender responsive planning and implementation

The guide brings together and synthesises several innovative and tested strategies on gender responsive planning & implementation from across India. It is designed as a selflearning tool or a practitioner’s reference book that provides a knowledge base of experiences which can be used as a reference for gender responsive planning & implementation initiatives. It draws extensively from inputs provided by a cross section of policy makers, feminist economists, representatives from civil society and women’s organisations.