The publication is comprehensive review of ACFODE of Uganda's gender budgeting experiences at the local level. Among some of the topics discussed in the newsletter are ACFODE's initiatives, mission, activities, lessons learnt, local level gender budget research and more.
This Guide was preared by Alexandra Wilde, Shipra Narang, Marie Laberge and Luisa Moretto UNDP Oslo, 2009. The publication compiles existing knowledge on decentralization and local governance measurement and provide a platform for understanding and navigating the array of assessment tools that exist, focusing on particular issues such how to select amongst the existing (or decide to design a new set of) local governance indicators; how to deal with the preparation and launching of an assessment;...
The following document, a product of a UNIFEM supported program, is one of 7 analytical reports on Gender Responsive Budgets that were completed and published in the Follow the Money' Series, South Asia. The well-received reports, have been in wide demand by GRB practitioners from around the world. This initiative has also been highly influential in the increase of allocations reflecting women's priorities as well as the inclusion of women in the planning process of economic governance at the...
This case study was compiled by Debbie Budlender based on presentations by Raquel Coello, and Leire Lopez, during UNIFEM/UNFPA GRB Workshops in Cape Town and Bangkok, April and June 2006. One of the ways in which Latin America's GRB initiatives are different from those in other regions and countries is that most of the GRB work has happened at local level. Further, the Latin American initiatives have often emphasized participation of women in decision-making, building upon the mainstream...
This publication was prepared in 2004 by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA- UK's leading accountancy body for public services) for DFID. Gender and participatory budgeting are increasingly being used in developing countries to give civil society groups or members of a community a means to influence the way public resources are spent. Similar approaches have also been used in the United Kingdom and there is scope for the lessons emerging from developing countries to...
The gender assessment conducted in Macedonia attempts to analyze the implementation of the social policy at the local level in three municipalities by identifying to what extent those policies reflect the local needs of men and women, and whether the measures they propose will advance gender equality. The assessment aims to enhance the debate on gender equality issues, and to enable individuals, organizations, policy makers and policy analysts to effectively participate in the development of approaches which would increase the gender responsiveness of social policies.
The booklet produced by NEWW-Polska in 2005, is a report outlining the results of the Gender Budget analysis in Gdansk, Poland. The report provides a detailed discussion of the demographic, education, health and local labor structures in Gdansk. In addition to providing gender budgeting methods and tools used in other countries, the synopsis outlines three selected issues of Gdansk society and presents recommendations which may serve as aids in planning budgets in the region. Central...
The Gender Budgeting guidelines have been developed to address the current deficiencies in gender budgeting. They aim to provide LLG stakeholders with a systematic way of developing budgets that address the need of females and males equitably. They provide the tools and methodology on how LLG stakeholders can undertake Gender Budgeting.
The publication “Gender Equality and Local Governance” is a joint collaboration between ADC and UN Women. It summarizes the learning’s that have emerged from several gender-sensitive interventions at local level. The publication brings together concrete experiences obtained in activities implemented by UN Women and the Austrian-funded “Equity in Governance” project (2007-2011). These interventions aimed to address two main questions: How can national gender legislation, national gender policy,...
This note has been written, by CIDA-Asia Branch in 2002, to provide a starting point to help understand how and why a gender equality perspective is relevant in programming related to decentralization. It is not an all-inclusive guide, rather it sets out initial questions to consider and provides resources to be used in follow-up.