The report, authored by Professor Diane Elson, a leading feminist economist, makes a significant contribution to the advocacy work on the transparency of budgets. It provides arguments for increasing the accountability of government budgets to women's rights.
A summary guide for policy makers, gender equality and human rights advocates" is a publication based on a report by Diane Elson "Budgeting for Women's Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW" by UNIFEM 2006.
A summary guide for policy makers, gender equality and human rights advocates" is a publication based on a report by Diane Elson "Budgeting for Women's Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW" by UNIFEM 2006.
This brief explores the relevance of civil society budget analysis and advocacy (i.e., budget work) and its potential as a tool to hold governments accountable for their maternal mortality reduction commitments.
This fact sheet was produced by UNIFEM in 2007 under the UNIFEM sub -regional programme "Gender-Responsive Budgeting in South East Europe: Advancing Gender Equality and Democratic Governance through Increased Transparency and Accountability launched in late 2006.
This paper explains what GRB is, what GRB work has help achieved and how it can further contribute to achieving gender equity and equality.
This book aims to contribute to the evolving understanding of public expenditure management as a political, rather than a purely technical, process. In particular, it explores the ways in which a rights approach can contribute to strengthening pro-poor voice and outcomes in budget processes.