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UN Women
This fact sheet was produced by UNIFEM in 2007 under the UNIFEM sub -regional programme "Gender-Responsive Budgeting in South East Europe: Advancing Gender Equality and Democratic Governance through Increased Transparency and Accountability launched in late 2006. The programme includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Serbia. In the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia, UNIFEM carried out a needs assessment of the budgetary processes and public finance reforms in October 2006. In addition, consultations with partners from government and civil society took place to evaluate the needs and interest in gender responsive budgeting and to identify possible partnerships and specific entry points for intervention. The assessment has concluded that in its first stages, the gender responsive budgeting work in FYR Macedonia should focus on well-defined issue areas in order to build initial capacity on gender budget analysis and collect evidence and practices that can be used for advocating towards expansion to other sectors and ultimately , institutionalization of the tool.