The Political Economy of Women's Budgets in the South Africa

The article discusses the potential for gender budget exercises to address gender issues and more specifically, the capacity for such exercises to address the complexities and dilemmas associated with mainstreaming gender into governance processes. The author draws largely upon the South African initiative and highlights how gender budget exercises must be modulated within a social, economic and political context.

The missing link: Applied budget work as a tool to hold governments accountable for maternal...

This brief explores the relevance of civil society budget analysis and advocacy (i.e., budget work) and its potential as a tool to hold governments accountable for their maternal mortality reduction commitments. In doing so, it discusses three recent examples of civil society groups engaged with budget analysis and advocacy: Fundar, Center for Analysis and Research in Mexico; Women's Dignity in Tanzania; and the Center for Budget and Governance Accountability in India.

The GRB capacity index

The GRB capacity index was formulated as part of an assessment commissioned by the National Women's Machinery in Costa Rica to understand the factors behind the low implementation of GRB in the country. In the experience of Costa Rica, the GRB capacity index was useful in identifying capacity gaps at individual and institutional levels that need to be addressed to ensure that planning and budgeting respond to women's priorities.

The Goal is Poverty Eradication

The brief paper brings forth a gender analysis of the finance sector in Uganda. The paper underlines the importance of integrating gender guidelines into the budget as the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MFPED) strive towards their goal of diminishing absolute poverty to less than 10 percent by the year 2017. Conducting sex-disaggregrated benefit assessments of policies, gender sensitive evaluation of public expenditures and evaluating gender implications of the macroeconomic framework, are also discussed as paths to engendering the national budget of Uganda.

The Female-Friendliest Treasurer of them All (taxation in Australia)

The document provides a gender analysis of the Australian Treasurer's 2006/2007 budgetary changes by examining the gender impacts of newly introduced tax concessions. It identifies the groups most able to take advantage of these as being income and flexible-asset rich Australians (which include relatively few women).The paper concludes by identifying the elements of a budgetary approach that would contribute to a more female- friendly retirement incomes policy.

Taxation: Half the Story of the Budgeting Process

The document by Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE), is a brief paper on the gender analysis of the Uganda taxation sector. This gender analysis provides a basis for investigating the gender dimension in tax policy formulation and Central Government tax administration carried out by Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

Show us the money is violence against women on the HIV&AIDS funding agenda?

In response to the growing body of evidence on violence and HIV&AIDS, and in response to calls by human rights advocates for effective action on these issues, international institutions and national governments have articulated a concern to address gender-based violence, including within the context of HIV&AIDS.

Selected Sectors within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This study by Innova Consulting provides an analysis of budgeting and gender issues, and gives recommendations for the implementation of GRB in two Federal Ministries and one Federal Institute in BIH in 2009. These three institutions were suggested by the Federal Gender Center (FGC) and confirmed by the FBIH parliament to be the first ones to implement GRB within the FBIH. Therefore, the research presented here gives analysis and tools for the first phase of GRB implementation within the selected institutions.

Report of the UN Secretary-General on Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women

The present report of the UN Secretary-General on Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women, January 2008 has been prepared in accordance with the programme of work of the Commission on the Status of Women for 2007-2009, which identified Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women as the priority theme for the fifty-second session. The report analyses the current situation of financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women and proposes recommendations for consideration by the Commission including the adoption of Gender Responsive Budgeting.