Implementation of GRB in Peace Building and Health Programmes in Nepal

The GRBC has developed five criteria for evaluation of genderresponsiveness of the budgeted government programmes and projects. These criteria include women's participation in programme formulation and implementation, benefit accruing to them, their capacity building, contribution to women's employment/income generation, and reduction in women's workload and qualitative improvement in their time use.

Gender Wage Gap in Albania

Labour market issues, be those of employment, unemployment, inactivity, wages and the like are very important for every country since they are linked to some of the main indicators of economic wellbeing or lack thereof. These issues and indicators become increasingly important for developing countries that are trying to achieve development and economic growth.

Gender Analysis of public investment Bolivia

Throughout their implementation, the work with GRBs has taken on specific and strategic characteristics in accordance with the proposed goals, the implemented initiatives, the tools used, the political and social context and the institutional and administrative willingness of each country or community. Nevertheless, we can establish the following core goals:
To sensitize stakeholders on gender issues and the impact of budgets and policies on them;
To make governments accountable for translating the compromises acquired on gender equality and budgetary commitments.

Gender Analysis of ODA Ukarine

The programme conducts gender analysis of ODA in  relation  to  Ukraine’s  national gender  equality  commitments and analysis of the donor-governmental meetings on gender equality  and  define  a  room  for participation  of  gender  equality advocates.

A study of the economic costs for the implementation of the Albanian legislation against domestic violence

Knowing the economic costs of the activities of state institutions is necessary for budgeting addressing the implementation of the legislation against domestic violence. Therefore, in this document we have presented two study reports which provide data on the costs of the prevention of and fight against domestic violence in Albania, and help the calculation of the relevant expenses. The findings of this study will help strengthen the activity of the relevant authorities and will improve the efficiency of the state structures and of the services to victims.

Albania: Time Use Survey (2010-2011)

The main goal of the Albanian Time Use Survey is to develop nationally representative estimates of how people divide their time of various life activities. The main objectives to be achieved through the time use survey were:
• To measure the amount of time spent by the Albanian population on different activities;
• To identify gender differences in time use patterns with special focus on paid and unpaid work activities;
• To carry out the survey in full accordance with the EU’s guidelines and specifications in order to provide comparable statistics on the use of time;

Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality - Programme Brief

The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices. Drawing on diverse country experiences, this brief showcases the programme’s comprehensive approach together with its achievements and lessons.