This Guide was preared by Alexandra Wilde, Shipra Narang, Marie Laberge and Luisa Moretto UNDP Oslo, 2009. The publication compiles existing knowledge on decentralization and local governance measurement and provide a platform for understanding and navigating the array of assessment tools that exist, focusing on particular issues such how to select amongst the existing (or decide to design a new set of) local governance indicators; how to deal with the preparation and launching of an assessment;...
This manual published by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) in 2008 is designed to assist training institutions in mainstreaming gender concerns in local government capacity-building and in training related to human settlements as conducted by Habitat Agenda partners.The Sourcebook seeks to provide local governments with the tools to better understand the importance of gender in the decision-making process and to reach better solutions for the communities they serve. Key...
The sourcebook for Trainers was published by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) - 2008. The manual is designed to assist training institutions in mainstreaming gender concerns in local government capacity-building and in training related to human settlements as conducted by Habitat Agenda partners. The Sourcebook seeks to provide local governments with the tools to better understand the importance of gender in the decision-making process and to reach better solutions for...
The paper suggests how the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS), developed and implemented in 14 countries over the last ten years with financial support from the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC), can be used to facilitate gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) at the local level. In particular, it looks at how CBMS can be used to support local-level GRB (LLGRB) initiatives of civil society and local government.
This publication results from widespread participation in a UNDP network discussion entitled Towards a "Local Governance and Development Agenda: Lessons and Challenges". The report aims to summarize and disseminate this interesting e-discussion, and to link people, knowledge products and projects related to these relevant topics, from the local to the global area and vice versa. Its views, approaches and strategies should contribute to current debates, and lead to more effective support from...
The purpose of this paper, prepared by Raman Sohal Research Officer, International Development Research Centre, June 2005, is to present an overview of the existing and potential approaches and tools for identifying gender gaps at the local level. The paper is informed by feedback from participants who attended the International Meeting on Local Level Gender Budgeting that was convened by the United Nations Funds for Women's Development (UNIFEM), the National Institute of Public Finance and...
Since 2004, 13 research projects supported in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America by the Women's Rights and Citizenship program of Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) have been exploring exactly how decentralization affects women's access to services, resources, and local power. The findings show that these reforms do not automatically benefit women, and can even put them at a disadvantage.
Decentralization has sometimes been presented as a magic bullet for both development and democracy. Since nearly everyone, from world leaders to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to donors, agrees that development and democracy both fail unless women are included on an equal footing with men, successful decentralization should make government more accessible, accountable, and responsive to women.But does it? Since 2004, 13 research teams in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America,...