Creating a Caring Economy

The final report of the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy has been released at a unique moment in global history. Reeling from the first wave of a deadly pandemic, perched on the precipice of a second wave and a deep and brutal recession, there was never a better time to ask: do we really want to go back to business as usual? The report presents a roadmap for building a new economy - a caring economy. This is the Executive Summary of the report. 

Creating a Caring Economy

The final report of the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy has been released at a unique moment in global history. Reeling from the first wave of a deadly pandemic, perched on the precipice of a second wave and a deep and brutal recession, there was never a better time to ask: do we really want to go back to business as usual? The Covid-19 pandemic has brought much to light.

Gender Budgeting IMF working paper

This IMF Working Paper examines how public processes can contribute to improving women's status. Gender budgeting, which refers to the systematic examination of budget programs and policies for their impact on women, has been tried in a range of countries in recent years. This study attempts to show that gender budgeting is just good budgeting; budgeting that properly accounts for the positive externalities that are derived from improving women's opportunities for health care, education, and employment.

Analysis of Budget Programmes from Gender Perspective

The purpose of this manual is to provide public officials working on gender budget analysis a simple tool on how to carry it out. While Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) involves a full process from analysis of budget programmes from a gender perspective to integration of gender perspectives throughout the budget process, this manual is focused on providing a guideline for carrying out the analysis which is a basis and starting point for further work to make policies and budgets more gender responsive.

Promoting Gender Responsive Policies and Budgets:Lessons from South East Europe Experiences in the period 2011-2013

Support for gender responsive policies, programming and budgets has been an important priority area of UN Women’s Sub-Regional Office for Central and South Eastern Europe. In 2011, the Sub-regional Office launched a three-year project on Promoting Gender Responsive Policies in South East Europe (PGRP-SEE) financed by the Austrian Development Agency. The project covered Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia.

Preliminary Gender Profile of Ethiopia_Summary Version

Ethiopia has prioritized the advancement of gender equality through the development and implementation of the first National Policy on Women in 1993 followed by the promulgation of Constitution in 1995 that calls for equal rights of women, including
Affirmative Action to bridge existing gaps. Ethiopia has revised gender discriminatory legal provisions in the Family Law and Penal Codes, showing a firm political commitment to gender equality and the advancement of women.