This training module aims to introduce concepts of GRB to Moroccan civil society organizations and identify the role that they can play in support of gender responsive budgeting in the country.
UN Women worked in close partnership with the Jordanian Coalition on Budget and the General Budget Department to issue a more user-friendly Budget Brochure for all Jordanian citizens.
This document is introduced in the framework of the implementation of Gender Responsive Project (GRB) that was implemented until June 2012 at the municipal level in Santa Rosa de Copan Budgets and under the implementation of the Partnership Programme between the European Union (EU) and UN Women for

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third ph

Critical Path a GRB Treatment at a Inter Institutional Level in State Secretariats of Honduras. Action Plan for Its Operationalization.
This practical guide by Debbie Budlender and Guy Hewitt, based on experiences of past gender budget initiatives, provides a comprehensive outline of how to engender budgets.
This paper was commissioned by UNRISD as a contribution to its ongoing research project on Gender and Social Policy. The paper compares the practice of gender-responsive budget initiatives with the claims and expectations about what they can achieve.
This manual for trainers give them knowledge
and tools to:
become familiar with gender analysis and its application in national planning;
explore the basic principles of gender budgeting and understand its value
added to the national planning;
Fiscal policy is defined as the part of economic policy through which the State, by choosing certain sources of income seeks to finance the exercise of its functions and activities and thus establishes the allocation of resources to implement them.
The programme conducts gender analysis of ODA in  relation  to  Ukraine’s  national gender  equality  commitments and analysis of the donor-governmental meetings on gender equality  and  define  a  room  for participation  of  gender&n