The programme was launched in late 2006 to strengthen democratic governance and promote women's human rights through support for policy planning and budgeting processes to incorporate a gender perspective.
The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices.

UN Women Policy Brief: Reforma Impostu Rendimentu no Konsumu ba Timor-Leste

Well-being gender budgeting (WBGB) experiences use a multidimensional approach for planning and budgeting combining the Capability Approach along with gender responsive budgeting.

This report (2015) tells the history of the field of gender lens investing over the last five years and outlines a roadmap to the future, defining the critical areas of focus for resources and attention.

What if budgets could help us revisit the shortcomings of mainstreaming by providing more concrete and measurable instruments? This article intends to contribute to this debate through some practical examples and a comparative analysis of gender sensitive budget experiences in Brazil and in Chile.