Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third ph

Transport is one of the most important aspects of national infrastructure and a key to gender equality. Women’s opportunities to access paid work are reduced when there is poor investment in gender

In this paper, Simel Esim (2000) focuses on expenditure and revenue instruments of fiscal policy as strategic entry points for engendering macroeconomics. The paper also includes a discussion of the potential implications of monetary policy and overall fiscal stance on poverty and gender equality.
This Issues Brief published by the DAC NETWORK on Gender Equality in October 2010 is on the integration of a gender equality perspective into public financial management (PFM) in partner countries. It suggests ways of using the techniques of gender-responsive budgeting (GRB).

UN Women Policy Brief: Reforma Impostu Rendimentu no Konsumu ba Timor-Leste

This study of HIV/AIDS, human rights and budgets in five Latin American countries (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Nicaragua) was prepared by Fundar Centro de An¡lisis e Investigaci, October 2004.
This synthesis paper examines the evolution of efforts to address domestic violence in Latin America. In the outset, the authors elucidate the methodological dilemmas involved in collecting data on domestic violence. The paper discusses some of the outcom
This report focuses on the responses of international aid agencies working on violence against women (VAW) in Central America and, in particular, the situation in Honduras.
This report presents research on the costs of implementing South Africa's Domestic Violence Act (DVA), with a focus on quantifying missing personnel costs. It describes the methodology used in the research, the process required to obtain a protection order and the time taken at each step.