The Government of Andalusia has presented, as part of its 2018 Budget Bill, its Gender Impact Assessment Report. The report is an ex ante evaluation of the resources that the Government of Andalusia allocates to the promotion of gender equality. The Report, together with G + Program and Gender Budgeting Audits, are the main elements of the Gender Budgeting strategy in the Andalusian region.
Since the start the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third phases of support. With the introduction of vaccines, some countries can begin to get the pandemic under control and start investing in recovery. Most countries, however, are still grappling with the pandemic’s immediate health and socio-economic fallout, including its outsized impact on women. While the adoption of policy measures to prevent or respond to the surge in violence against women is more widespread, the social protection and jobs response has not adequately supported women’s economic security nor addressed care work or the financing of care services. This policy brief presents entry points for the application of gender-responsive budgeting to COVID-19 support and recovery packages. Drawing on country examples, this brief provides recommendations on the use of gender budgeting tools to identify gaps in policy responses and direct spending towards gender responsive COVID-19 measures.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third phases of support. With the introduction of vaccines, some countries can begin to get the pandemic under control and start investing in recovery. Most countries, however, are still grappling with the pandemic’s immediate health and socio-economic fallout, including its outsized impact on women. While the adoption of policy measures...
In this paper, Simel Esim (2000) focuses on expenditure and revenue instruments of fiscal policy as strategic entry points for engendering macroeconomics. The paper also includes a discussion of the potential implications of monetary policy and overall fiscal stance on poverty and gender equality.
This Issues Brief published by the DAC NETWORK on Gender Equality in October 2010 is on the integration of a gender equality perspective into public financial management (PFM) in partner countries. It suggests ways of using the techniques of gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). The Brief makes the case that gender responsive budgeting: is a form of financial management that seeks to ensure an efficient allocation of resources based on the needs identified can offer a win-win situation by both...
Rezumu ne’e hanesan sumáriu ida bazeia ba Relatóriu UN Women nian, Reforma Impostu Rendimentu no Konsumu ba Timor-Leste: Impaktu Jéneru no Pobreza, Opsaun Polítika, no Rekomendasaun.
Governments raise tax revenues so that they can meet the needs of the people they represent. Fair and equal taxation makes sure that tax laws do not discriminate against people who live traditional lives, subsistence farmers, rural business owners, women, or the poor