From 11-16 August 2018, the Afghanistan Office of the President, supported by UN Women and UNDP, organized a visit of senior government officials from Afghanistan to Indonesia to learn about their experiences implementing gender-responsive budgeting. Indonesia’s successful GRB story as helped the government to effectively distribute public funds to address the needs of women and men. The visit contributed to the development of a community of practice which opens dialogues between...
The paper examins the relevance of GRB to ensure that gender equality remains at the center of the Aid Effectiveness agenda.
This paper by Simel Esim (2000) explores the revenue side of gender budgeting. Esim also discusses policies and suggests strategies for gender-sensitive budgeting.
The Global Programme ‘Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commit¬ments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices. Drawing on diverse country experiences, this brief showcases the programme’s comprehensive ap¬proach together with its achievements and lessons. It also provides policymakers and gender advocates with...
The following country summaries outline the main findings of the country research conducted under the European Commission (EC)/UNIFEM programme "Integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting into the Aid Effectiveness Agenda". The three-year programme is funded by the European Commission (EC) and consists of research and programmatic technical assistance. The country summaries brief is one of the five knowledge briefs produced by UNIFEM in 2010 under the EC/UNIFEM programme Integrating Gender...
This report reflects country-level experiences shared at the Burundi regional consultation on Aid Effectiveness and Gender Equality in Africa in July 2006 consultation on the gender equality opportunities and challenges arising from aid reform processes. Cases from Zambia, Kenya, Senegal, Ghana and Burundi are explored in the report.
This document, written for the Netherlands Council of Women, describes how gender responsive budgeting should be used for Water resource management.
This review of current patterns of planning and funding in post-conflict settings reveals a persistent gender bias, in which women's needs and issues are systematically underfunded. The paper addresses a wide range of questions in the broad area of planning and financing for gender equality in post-conflict settings. It presents findings from several studies conducted by the United Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM, part of UN Women) on the inclusion of women's needs and issues in...