Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third ph

Transport is one of the most important aspects of national infrastructure and a key to gender equality. Women’s opportunities to access paid work are reduced when there is poor investment in gender

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the 

The EC/UN Partnership has reviewed the extent to which commitments to women's security and peacebuilding needs have been financed by Official Development Assistance (ODA) in four different post-conflict situations: the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), and Aceh (I
The present study is a contribution to mark the 10th anniversary of the adoption of UNSCR 1325, and provides an overview of DAC members' funding targeted to gender equality in fragile and conflict-affected states.
Well-being gender budgeting (WBGB) experiences use a multidimensional approach for planning and budgeting combining the Capability Approach along with gender responsive budgeting.
The main research question of this study To what extent do post-conflict reconstruction initiatives allocate resources to promote gender equality, address women's needs and involve women in decision-making around strategies and related resource allocations?
What if budgets could help us revisit the shortcomings of mainstreaming by providing more concrete and measurable instruments? This article intends to contribute to this debate through some practical examples and a comparative analysis of gender sensitive budget experiences in Brazil and in Chile.