Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, almost USD 16 trillion has been pumped into the global economy, and governments are now rolling out second and third ph

The recent release of the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Latin America and the Caribbean is an important step for understanding how corruption affects women.

This brief paper has been prepared in accordance with the guidance note from UN Women in consultation with the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the 

The Global Programme Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality’ was developed to increase financing for national gender equality commitments in sixteen countries and to strengthen government and donor accountability on financing decisions and practices.
The National Report on the Status of Women and Gender Equality (NRSWGE) in Albania is the first national report serves as the substantive basis to analyse the overall situation of women and men in Albania.
This reference tool handbook, available in English, French and Arabic, is the sixth in a series produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) which seeks to advance parliament's own capacity to make a positive impact on the budget, and to equip parliament, its members and parliamentary staff
This reference tool handbook, available in English, French and Arabic, is the sixth in a series produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) which seeks to advance parliament's own capacity to make a positive impact on the budget, and to equip parliament, its members and parliamentary staff
The gender assessment conducted in Macedonia attempts to analyze the implementation of the social policy at the local level in three municipalities by identifying to what extent those policies reflect the local needs of men and women, and whether the measures they propose will advance gender equalit
Since 2004, 13 research projects supported in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America by the Women's Rights and Citizenship program of Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) have been exploring exactly how decentralization affects women's access to services, resources, a